Bringing Intelligent Automation to Human Resources

HR teams shoulder a diverse range of responsibilities, from recruitment to onboarding, fostering a culture of continuous learning, goal alignment, team management, and separations. Despite the significance of these tasks, they can be time-consuming and mundane. The AI co-workers built on E42 are crafted to streamline HR efforts by automating routine tasks—enabling HR professionals to concentrate on strategic initiatives, including refining hiring processes, orchestrating targeted training sessions, and more. 

Automate your HR operations with E42 today!

Explore E42 AI Co-Workers Built for Human Resources

Why E42?

Tactical benefits

Strategic benefits

To bring automation across your enterprise functions and enhance efficiency while saving millions of dollars, get in touch with us now!

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We’re so excited to have you here! Just fill up your details and our experts will be in touch with you at the earliest!

Refund Policy


We are offering free access to the platform for a month. Once the free period is over you need to pay the license fee to retain access to the platform. License fee will not be refunded.


If you have any questions about our Refund Policy, please email us at

Cognitive automation platform

At E42, creating a safe and healthy working environment takes precedence above all. The company has zero tolerance for prejudice, gender bias, and sexual harassment. For a comprehensive overview of our safety policy, please feel free to contact us at